Monday, July 29, 2013

Reflection on Matthew 27

Reflection on Matthew 27----
Jesus is the BETTER friend...
...who doesn't betray his friends or his enemies but dies for them after they have plotted against him, sold him for 30 pieces of silver, denied him, insulted him, tortured him and killed him.

Jesus is the BETTER Messiah...
... who doesn't start an earthly revolution to climb onto the seat of power...But accomplishes an eternal revolution that gives him a powerful seat next to God to be our advocate and defend us from all earthly, worldly and cosmic enemies, oppressors and colonizers.

Reflection on Matthew 26

Reflection on Matthew 26----
Jesus is the BETTER anointed one, whose anointing is not used for selfish gain but is poured out as an offering for the salvation of ALL peoples.

Jesus is the BETTER Passover host, who feeds us with eternal nourishment that will sustain our bodies, minds, spirits and souls forever.

Jesus is the BETTER Passover BREAD which feeds us with an everlasting satisfaction that nothing else on earth can fulfill.

Jesus is the BETTER Passover BLOOD which washes away all sins conclusively and eternally.

Jesus is the BETTER Pray-er because he accepts and embodies God's word as he listens and obeys despite being abandoned by his friends who he asks to stay awake and pray with him. He NEVER gives up on those He loves. He NEVER lets down those close to Him even when they deny Him

Reflection on Matthew 25

Reflection on Matthew 25--- Jesus is the BETTER judge...
...who perfectly executes justice and the final eternal judgement without any hint of injustice or corruption. 

Jesus is the BETTER Judge...
...who has shown by his own life how the Law can be accomplished perfectly and now calls you and I to rest in HIS accomplishment of the Law. We cannot fulfill it like Jesus has.

Jesus is the BETTER Judge...

... who has fully explained and shown everyone how to live and calls all of us to live IN in HIS perfection and love to escape God's judgement on anyone who lives contrary to how God has created us to live.

Reflection on Matthew 24

Reflection on Matthew 24--- Jesus is the BETTER Faithful and Wise servant. 

Jesus faithfully serves God instead of giving up and being unfaithful as we often are. 

Jesus wisely uses ALL his actions, words and gifts from God to give ALL the glory to God and takes PERFECT care of everything entrusted to Him.

Reflection on Matthew 23

Reflection on Matthew 23:1-28 --- Jesus is the BETTER teacher of the Law, he doesn't lock the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, he opens it. 

He doesn't take advantage of widows or rob them, he provides for them. 

He teaches people to be clean INSIDE and OUTSIDE not only projecting outward holiness. 

Reflection on Matthew 23::29-39 --- Jesus is the BETTER prophet ...
...because when the people God has sent him to kill him, he is made alive again and prophecies again and that in itself fulfills prophecy.

Reflection on Matthew 22

Jesus is the BETTER interpreter of Church vs. State laws and obedience to earthly governments: 

He shows us how much more powerful and mighty God is compared to all earthly rulers and kingdoms...without encouraging us to disregard and disrespect earthly authority. 
(Matthew 22- especially the question about whether Jews should pay taxes to a heathen-Roman-occupying-colonialist)

The powerful way he emphasizes that the Emperor should ONLY get what ONLY TRULY belongs to him 
("his coins") MUST remind us that in reality everything the State has and the Emperor claims, all commitment, duty and loyalty the State asks us to give whole-heartedly is in God's hands. 

It is only truly God who deserves utmost allegiance and we must choose Him above the State.

Remember, Jesus died at the hands of the "powerful" Roman empire - in reality gave himself up- but now Jesus lives as King and that Roman empire is non-existent.

Reflection on Matthew 21

Jesus is the BETTER prophet...
...because he fulfills ALL biblical prophecies about the Messiah and cleanses the Temple to remind us that the gathering in the presence of God and the importance of fellowship is primarily for worship!

vs.4 and 5- 
This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:
“Say to Daughter Zion,
‘See, your king comes to you,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”

“It is written,” he said to them, “ ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’ ”

Reflection on Matthew 20

Jesus is the BETTER Son of David...
...who uses his royal lineage and crown for serving others and restoration of OUR health and NOT for prideful gain of wealth and fame. 

(Reflection on Matthew 20- especially when the 2 blind men receive their sight)
                            Jesus OPENS OUR EYES SO THAT WE WILL SEE AND FOLLOW HIM!

29-As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. 
30-Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

31-The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

32-Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

33-“Lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.”

34-Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

Reflection on Matthew 19

Jesus is the BETTER interpreter of Moses teaching on divorce and marriage as God intended it to be. 

He explains that there are different ways and capabilities of how people will live out God's will in their lives. (Reflection on Matthew 19)

Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”- vs. 11-12

Reflection on Matthew 18

Jesus is the BETTER Leadership professor...
...who teaches us that the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like a child.

Jesus shows us this BETTER leadership through humbling himself and being born as a child. He forces us to realize that fighting PRIDE that easily comes with positions of leadership and authority has to involve humbling ourselves and becoming like little children. (Reflection on Matthew 18)

Reflection on Matthew 17

....who can heal even when his disciples and other faith healers cannot.

Reflection on Matthew 17- esp. vs. 14-21. "The boy with a demon who the disciples could not heal." Jesus gave a command to the demon and it went out of the boy and at that very moment he was healed...he told them [Only prayer and fasting can drive this kind out; nothing else can]

Reflection on Matthew 16

Jesus is the BETTER Messiah. 

Who doesn't rescue you the way you want to be rescued but rescues you the way you NEED to be rescued. 

Because many times our feeble minds and short-term vision/view envisions a messiah/redeemer/rescuer who is less than what we need. The Jews wanted a hero to fight the Roman colonialists and re-establish an Israelite kingdom: Jesus came and fought and won against cosmic evil and the Devil's occupation to establish a perfect and holy Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. (Reflection on Matthew 16)

Reflection on Matthew 15

Jesus is the BETTER Teacher of the Law; 

who doesn't teach us to disobey God and follow our own teaching (our own feelings/ our own desires) but reminds us to honour God with our WORDS AND at the same time always honour Him in our HEARTS...instead of teaching human rules as though they are God's laws. 

(Reflection on Matthew 15- especially his answer to the Pharisees and the teaching on what makes a person unclean)

Reflection on Matthew 14

Jesus is the BETTER child of God...
...who goes and prays to God alone then comes to his friends to encourage them and to teach them to have courage and not doubt. Jesus is BETTER child of God because he always uses his position to increase the FAITH and TRUST of all other children of God. 

(Reflection on Matthew 14)- Feeds the 5,000, walks on water and enables Peter to walk on water.

Jesus is the BETTER host and lecturer...
... who doesn't just feed us with words but after he had spoken and taught the large crowd, fed all 5,000+ with 5 loaves and 2 fish and they went home satisfied physically AND spiritually. (Reflection on Matthew 14)

Reflection on Matthew 13

Jesus is the BETTER Storyteller...
... whose parables and lessons don't just amuse and entertain us with words and alternate realities but PERFECTLY shows us how to live and see the REALITY of the kingdom of God. (Reflection on Matthew 13

- Parable of the Sower/ the Weeds// the Mustard Seed/ the Yeast/ the Hidden Treasure/ the Pearl / the Net)

Reflection on Matthew 12

Jesus is the BETTER Servant of God...
... who does not argue or shout or make loud speeches in the streets... He will not break off a bent reed or put out a flickering lamp. He will PERSIST until he causes justice to triumph, and in him all people will put their hope 
(Matthew 12:15-21) 

He is the better servant of God because he NEVER discourages and kills peoples hopes and does not easily lose hope. He patiently persists and perseveres UNTIL HE CAUSES JUSTICE TO TRIUMPH!

Reflection on Matthew 11

Jesus is the BETTER BOSS and MASTER...
... who gives us rest and whose yoke is easy and light. It may not seem so when life is tough but the yoke of sin, self and worldliness we put on instead will strangle us. 
(Reflection on Matthew 11)

Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Reflection on Matthew 10

Jesus is the BETTER MENTOR...
... who sends his disciples on a mission he is already on and fully invested in and sets the perfect example of how to sacrifice everything for the sake of God's glory. 

(Reflection on Matthew 10)

Reflection on Matthew 8 and 9

Jesus is the BETTER healer...
...who doesn't only take away pain and suffering to give us comfort, but cleanses body, mind and spirit eternally; To show us and offer us freely....the FULL-ness of life. Life everlasting in spite of and beyond ALL earthly dis-ease, sickness, pain, suffering, sin and death. 

(Matthew 8 and 9)...Healing of man with a skin disease / healing of Roman Officer's servant / healing of two men with demons / healing of a paralysed man / healing of Jewish official's daughter / healing of woman with severe bleeding for twelve years...

Matthew 8:17- "He did this to make what the prophet Isaiah had said come true, 'He himself took our sickness and carried away our diseases.'

Reflection on Matthew 5, 6 and 7

Jesus is the BETTER teacher of the word of God... (Matthew 5, 6, 7) 
...who doesn't teach it for knowledge and legalism 
patiently elaborates and explains its wisdom to show God's intent and purposes for the law for OUR good. 

"When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowd was amazed at the way he taught. He wasn't like the teachers of the Law; instead, he taught with authority" 
-Matthew 7:28-29

Reflection on Matthew 4

Jesus is the BETTER interpreter of the word of God...
.... who doesn't twist prophecy and scripture to mean what he wants it to 
actually quotes it to bring glory to God and withstand ALL the misinterpretations and scripture-abuse used for evil purposes. 

(Reflection on Matthew 4, ESP. VS. 1-11)...."but the scripture says"...."but the scripture also says..."

Reflection on Matthew 3

Jesus is the BETTER "baptizer" ...
...who John declares doesn't just baptize you to show that you have changed/repented 
actually baptizes you with the Holy Spirit and fire to cause a life-altering change and prepare you for eternal redemption and judgement. 

(Reflection on Matthew 3:11)

Reflection on Matthew 2

Jesus is THE BETTER Son...
...who not only obeys his parents but teaches them true obedience that glorifies God, Our Father. 
(Reflection on Matthew 2)

Reflection on Matthew 1 and 2

Jesus is THE BETTER descendant...
...who not only brings honour to his family tree but creates, saves and sanctifies them. (Matthew 1-2)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't pity Africa...Invest in Africa

It was inspiring to read the July 17th, 2013 piece by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. (

While there are still numerous challenges in Africa's health systems, the positive aspects of what specific countries and organizations must be celebrated. It was specifically encouraging to read about the reduction in polio, trachoma and leprosy cases worldwide as well as the stories of how successful treatment changes lives exponentially.

For many of these families, healing of physical ailments does more than just free the body from pain and suffering. Gaining sight and mobility frees a lot of time and resources that were being swallowed up by the disease. The healed person can now focus on education, farming or business instead of begging, sleeping at the homestead or in the streets. The healing leads to improved productivity lives of individuals who want to work. The results of the blind seeing and the lame walking profit the family, village/community and have the potential to positively transform a country, and dare I say "heal" the whole continent.

In closing, Kristof reminds us to not only celebrate the current progress but also see Africa's positive potential and stop focusing on Africa as a charity case.

"As the disease burden declines, the economy surges. Africa is now booming economically, and six of the 10 fastest-growing economies in the world are on the continent. Don’t think of Africa as a place to pity, but as a place to invest.
Journalists and humanitarians understandably focus on unmet needs, and that can leave the impression that the story of global health is a depressing one of failure. In fact, it’s an inspiring story of progress. We need to do more, especially against AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, but one of the great achievements of humanity in recent decades has been the marginalization of ancient and dreaded diseases."

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Praying for your idol


Pray that three things happen to your idol.

1. God exposes your idol

Pray that God shows you that this is something good or something bad that you love, adore, care for, invest in and treasure more than Him. Pray that God shows you clearly that...this person, this job, this idea, this philosophy, this drug, this pride, this beauty, this intelligence, this business, this hobby is the real reason you think you exist and you are using your whole life in pursuit of it above all else.

2. God shows you the worthlessness of your idol

Pray that God shows you the comparative worthlessness of your idol. Pray that God shows you that what you are treating as your ultimate treasure will never satisfy you. Pray that the idol disappoints you again and again so that you see it for what it really is: an inferior god that is not worthy of worship. A bondage to something that does not deserve the intensity and dedication with which you are pursuing it.

3. God kills your idol

Pray that God's holiness and greatness shines immensely and dwarfs the image of the idol in your mind so that you see the bigness of God and the smallness of your idol.

Pray that the love and beauty of Jesus overwhelms your soul and body and you find all your joy and pleasure in Christ. May Jesus displace your idol as the object of your attraction and meditation.

Pray that the power of the Holy Spirit dwells deeply in your soul. Pray that you learn to depend on the Spirit of God to guide ALL your thoughts, feelings, actions, words/ speech and yearnings more than your selfish lust and greed.

Questions for reflection:
What do you mostly think about?

What do you often think about when you are bored?

What do you spend most of your time doing?

Where do you spend most of your money? On what do you spend most of your money?

What is the driving force of why you live, act, talk and think the way you do?

Where is your ultimate hope? What are your dreams, beliefs, outlook on the future of your life?

What do you believe will give you the greatest joy?

What do you think you are on earth for?

What do you exist for?

What were you born to be and do?
I AM speaks to you

I AM here trust me

I AM here walk with me

I AM here talk with me

I AM here obey me

I AM here to lead you

I AM here to protect you

I AM here to rescue you

I AM here to light your way

I AM here to correct you

I AM here to allure you

I AM here to speak to you

I AM here to sing to you

I AM here to provide for you

I AM here to shelter you

I AM here to help you

I AM here, sit with me

I AM here eat with me

I AM here drink with me

I AM here, follow me

I AM here, listen to me

I AM here, worship me

I AM here to heal you

I AM here, eat and drink with me

I AM here to die for you

I AM here to give you life

I AM alive.

I AM risen

I AM coming soon